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pembombardiran berat akhir bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pembombardiran berat akhir"
  • berat:    arduous; gravity; heaviness; heavy; lumpish;
  • akhir:    curtains; encyclopedia end; end; fag; fag-end;
  • pembedilan berat akhir:    late heavy bombardment
  • pembombardiran brussel:    bombardment of brussels
  • berat:    arduous; gravity; heaviness; heavy; lumpish; onerous; ponderous; weight; weighty; arduously; capital; demanding; serious; tough; weighed down; grave; good; heavily; count; significant; worse; strenu
  • akhir:    curtains; encyclopedia end; end; fag; fag-end; final; close; conclusion; ending; summit; concluding; zenith; weekend; far end; cease; tail; stopping point; acme; tip; goal; terminate; peak; apex; bo
  • akhir-akhir ini:    latterly; lately; ultimately; only just; freshly; of late; newly; recently; as of late; the other day; nowadays
  • di akhir-akhir ini:    in recent times; in the more recent past
  • air berat:    heavy water; deuterium oxide
  • alat berat:    heavy equipment
  • angkat berat:    olympic weightlifting; powerlifting; weightlifting; weightlift
  • beban berat:    millstone
  • bekerja berat:    fetch and carry; fetched and carry; fetching and carry; work hard
  • berat atas:    top-heavy
  • berat atom:    atomic mass; atomic weight
  • After the formation of the planets, all were subjected to the so-called "Late Heavy Bombardment".
    Setelah terbentuk, planet-planet melewati masa "Pembombardiran Berat Akhir".